Senior Units

Hastings Local Housing Corporation
25 Station Street
Office Contact: 228 Church Street, Belleville, Ontario K8N 5E2 613-966-1311
People living in units owned by the Hastings Local Housing Corporation pay approximately 30% of the household’s income. Those in receipt of Ontario Disability or Ontario Works pay according to provincially mandated rent scales.
This building consist of 87 one-bedroom apartments and 1 two-bedroom apartment. It is located on the river's edge and is close to all town amenities. This two-story building is equipped with a lift and houses those 65 years of age and older.

York River Heights Senior Citizen Complex Corporation Non-Profit Housing
303 Hastings Street
Main Office: 303 Hastings Street, Bancroft, Ontario K0L 1C0 613-332-4240
York River Heights has market rent units and participates in the Hastings County Rent Supplement Program. Applicants must be 65 years of age or older and be capable of independent living with minimal or no assistance.
The building has 24 one-bedroom and 8 two-bedroom units. There are ground level entrances to apartments on the ground floor.
Family Units

North Hastings Non-Profit Housing Corporation
Woodview Lane
Main Office: Woodview Lane, Bancroft, Ontario K0L 1C0 613-332-0872
North Hastings Non-Profit Housing Corporation has a community comprised of 57 homes in a mix of families, singles and seniors in both rent geared-to-income and market rent units.
Unit sizes include one, two and three bedrooms. Four units (one and two bedrooms only) are modified. The units are located within walking distance of all local conveniences.