Hastings County



Hastings County is the second largest county in Ontario, stretching almost 160 kilometers from the Bay of Quinte to Algonquin Park. It is comprised of 14 member municipalities.

In the northern portion you will find the ancient rock formations and dense boreal forests of the Canadian Shield, where clear lakes and recreational opportunities abound every season of the year. The southern portion is part of the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Lowlands, home to two cities and many small towns surrounded by rich farmland.

Hastings County is abundant in historical and natural wonders. The rural lifestyle remains strong here, and you will find our unique artisan and antique shops make for a wonderful day of shopping and exploring our small towns, villages and hamlets. Hastings County is the ultimate combination of rural and urban living.


Upcoming Council & Committee Meetings

Hastings County Council Meeting


Community & Human Services Committee Meeting


Hastings/Quinte Emergency Services Committee Meeting


Hastings/Quinte Long-term Care Committee Meeting


Planning & Development Committee Meeting


Finance, Property & Personnel Committee Meeting

View All

Agendas & Minutes Portal 

Please Note: Internet Explorer required for using archived minutes

Hastings County

Land Acknowledgement


If you would like to receive a Certificate of Recognition signed by the Warden & Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) of Hastings County, please submit the form linked below.
Please limit these requests for a certificate to the following events:

• Milestone Birthday (ie. 75, 80, 90 and 100)
• Significant Organizational or Personal Anniversary (ie. 50, 60, 75 years etc.)
• Business/Organization Opening


Click Here to Submit a Certificate Request 

Please allow 5-10 business days for your certificate to arrive via regular mail.

If you have any questions regarding certificates, please contact Sarah McCurdy, Administrative Assistant to the CAO, Warden & Clerk at mccurdys@hastingscounty.com.

Requesting a Virtual or In-Person Delegation to Hastings County Council or Committee of Council

Hastings County Council welcomes members of the public who want to address Council at a Committee or Council Meeting.

A delegation by an individual or community group (with one or more presenters) on a matter of local public interest is limited to no more than 10 minutes.  Up to two speakers can participate in one delegation, limited to a total of not more than ten (10) minutes.

All delegations are subject to the approval of the Warden and are scheduled according to the subject matter.
*The subject matter of delegations must be approved by the Warden before you make a delegation to a Committee or Council.

Option A:
Submit your delegation request online here.  Ensure you fill out all of the required fields and provide as much information as possible.

Option B:
Submit a letter to the County Clerk that provides:

a. Your name, address, telephone number and e-mail address.
b. Full names of all presenters.
c. Date you wish to present your delegation.
d. A brief statement of the subject matter, the outcome that is sought and what action you are requesting from Council.
e. If you are requesting funding, attach financial information or budgets related to the request.
f. An overview of your delegation.
g. Your signature.

Mail or email your information to:

County Clerk
235 Pinnacle Street, Postal Bag 4400
Belleville, Ontario
K8N 3A9

Timelines, Dates and Process
Your request for a delegation must be received no later than ten days prior to the date of the meeting at which you wish to appear.  Please note, your delegation request, including your contact information will be distributed to County Council and staff, and be posted on the County website for the media and the public.

If a group wishes to address Council, the group should designate their spokesperson(s).  Council will not hear separate delegations on a specific topic from members of the same group.

The Clerk’s Office will send you a notice, confirming the date of your delegation, and may contact you to ask for additional information.  Until the Clerk’s Office receives all the required information, the delegation cannot be scheduled.

PowerPoint:  PowerPoint presentations are not required.  If you choose to use PowerPoint, the presentation must be provided to the Office of the County Clerk no later than ten days before the meeting to allow time for testing.

All material provided will become public information and will be provided to Council members and staff, and will be posted on the County website for the media and the public.


For further information please contact the Office of the County Clerk at 613-966-1311 ext. 3205.

What to expect when you make your delegation to Hastings County Council
Please note you are attending a business meeting of Hastings County Council and procedural rules are used to guide conduct.

Except in cases where there is urgency in the matter, Council will not consider a Motion regarding a delegation the same day as it is presented unless it is associated with another item on the Agenda.


Delegations are heard at the beginning of each meeting.  Please read and note the following:

  1. Council meetings are scheduled to begin at 10:00am.
  2. If attending virtually, the Office of the County Clerk will send you a meeting link via email the week before the meeting.
  3. If attendance is virtual, please log in to the meeting at least 10 minutes prior to the scheduled start time.  You will be held in the virtual waiting room until the Clerk admits you, just before the meeting starts.
  4. Virtual  Delegations must remain on mute with their cameras off until the Chair calls on them to speak.
  5. When your name is called, unmute and turn your camera on.
  6. You will have 10 minutes to make your delegation.
  7. Start your delegation by introducing yourself and your fellow delegates with your full names.
  8. Remember that Council already has the information you have submitted.  You can refer to the document without reading the document word for word.
  9. Explain why you are making the delegation and what action you are requesting from Council.
  10. If you are using PowerPoint, the presentation will be operated by the Deputy Clerk.
  11. After making your delegation, mute your microphone but keep your camera on.  Be prepared to unmute if Council members ask any questions.
  12. When addressing Council or answering a question, regardless of who has asked the question, you should always address your comments to the Committee Chair and/or Warden.  This will help to maintain order at the meeting. (e.g. “Through the Chair…”)
  13. When responding to questions please provide a direct answer.  Delegates are not permitted to debate with members of Council.
  14. No delegate shall speak disrespectfully of any person, use offensive words or unparliamentary language, or speak on any subject other than the subject for which they have received approval to address Council.
  15. Following questions, the Chair will advise when your delegation is over.  Please turn off your camera and log out of the meeting.  If you do not log out of the meeting, you will be removed from the meeting as your delegation is complete.  If you would like to continue watching the meeting, it can be viewed on the Hastings County Facebook page.

For those attending a virtual meeting we require that you read and note the following:

  • No behavior is permitted that interrupts the conduct of a meeting.
  • No one may use disrespectful language, gestures or offensive words.
  • Taking photos and/or making recordings of any kind are not allowed unless with the permission of the County Clerk.
  • Signs and t-shirts with specific slogans or offensive language are not permitted.
  • Delegates and guests are not permitted to share their screen.
  • Delegates and guests must not participate in the meeting chat. 


If a delegate or guest attempts to display language, behavior or video that is not in keeping with the decorum of the meeting or acts contrary to any of the above-noted rules, or in contravention of the Ontario Human Rights Code, the person will be asked by the Chair / Warden to cease and come to order.  If the person does not come to order, the person shall be removed from the meeting.

Public Record:
All communication that the Clerk receives from members of the public regarding a matter on a Committee or Council Agenda shall be part of the public record.
All Committee and Council meetings are live-streamed on the Hastings County Facebook Page and are posted for 24 hours.

The County has appointed Local Authority Services Limited (LAS) – Aird & Berlis LLP. as the Closed Meeting Investigator for the municipality and authorized them to conduct investigations. All requests for a closed meeting investigation are submitted to LAS to review and investigate accordingly.

How to Request an Investigation
Members of the public, including corporations, may submit requests through the County Clerk relating to compliance with the Municipal Act, 2001  for meetings or part of meetings that are closed to the public.
The identity of the requestor will be treated as confidential by the County and the Investigator, unless authorization is given by the requestor to release his or her identity.

The Request Form for a closed meeting investigation is available online or at the County Clerk’s office.

All complaints must contain the following information:

  • The name of the municipality
  • Requestor’s name, mailing address, telephone number, and email address 
  • Date of the closed meeting under consideration
  • Nature and background of the particular occurrence
  • Any activities undertaken to resolve the concern
  • Any other relevant information
  • Direction with respect to release of identity
  • Original signature

Once the request is received by the Clerk, the Clerk will enact the following procedures:

  • Ensure that the requests remain confidential
  • Assign a file number and record that number on the request
  • Forward the request to the Municipal Closed Meeting Investigator by regular mail

For all requests, the County shall supply the Investigator with the following information or documentation as requested by the Investigator related to a complaint:

  • Certified copy of Notice of Meeting
  • Certified copy of the agenda
  • Certified copy of the minutes of the meeting
  • Relevant resolutions
  • Municipal contact list
  • Any other documents requested

Other Resources

The County of Hastings has appointed Mr. John Ewart of Ewart, O’Dwyer Barristers & Solicitors as the Integrity Commissioner for the municipality and authorize him to conduct inquires upon complaint for rules governing ethical behaviour of members of Council as they pertain to the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act and Code of Conduct.

The Integrity Commissioner’s responsibilities include:

  • Conduct inquiries upon complaint for Municipal Conflict of Interest Act and Code of Conduct matters
  • Provide advice to members of Council and local boards regarding their obligations under the code of conduct the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act
  • Provide educational information to the public, the municipality and members of Council and local boards about the Code of Conduct and Municipal Conflict of Interest Act

The duties and responsibilities of the Integrity Commissioner are further detailed in Section 223 of the Municipal Act, 2001.  It is the responsibility of the Integrity Commissioner to report directly to County Council.

Complaint Filing Process
Any individual who identifies or witnesses behavior or activity by a sitting Member of County Council that they believe is in contravention of the Code of Conduct for Members of Council or the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act may file a formal complaint with the following conditions:

  1. All complaints shall be in writing and shall be dated and signed by an identifiable individual using the Formal Municipal Integrity Commissioner Complaint Inquiry Form or the Application for Municipal Integrity Commissioner Investigation under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act Form.
  2. The complaint must set out reasonable and probable grounds for the allegation that the Member has contravened the Code of Conduct or the Conflict of Interest Act.  A supporting sworn affidavit setting out the evidence in support of the allegation must also be included.
  3. The complaint shall be filed with the County Clerk who shall forward the matter to the Integrity Commissioner for initial classification to determine if the matter is, on its face, a complaint with respect to non-compliance.

Other Resources

Hastings County Strategic Plan 


Serving your communities

Our Council 


Warden Mullin Headshot

Meet the Warden of the County 


Bob Mullin

The Warden of the County is elected by peers on County Council for a term of two years. The Warden represents and supports County Council, declaring its will and implicitly obeying its decisions in all things. The current Warden is Bob Mullin, Mayor of the Township of Stirling-Rawdon. His term of Warden is 2023-2024. 


The County of Hastings is a member of the Eastern Ontario Wardens’ Caucus Inc.. The Caucus consists of 11 counties and the single-tier municipalities of the City of Kawartha Lakes and Prince Edward County, representing some 900,000 property owners across the region. The Caucus is an advocate for Eastern Ontario in an effort to bring about positive change in the communities by making coordinated recommendations to both the provincial and federal governments. The CAO and Warden are both active members of this group and participate on committees and boards that work toward improvements in the development and improvement of the communities of Eastern Ontario. 


More information on EOWC Inc.

Hastings County Council 

Hastings County Council is made up of the Heads of Council of its 14 member municipalities. County Council meets monthly to receive reports from standing committees and make  decisions on the delivery of services to its residents. County Council traditionally meets the last Thursday of each month with open session starting at 10:00 am.

Michael Fuerth Headshot
Michael Fuerth
(613) 337-5731
Claire Kennelly Headshot
Claire Kennelly
(613) 396-1944
Don DeGenova Headshot
Don DeGenova
(613) 478-2535
David Hederson Headshot
David Hederson
(613) 474-2583
Warden Mullin Headshot
Bob Mullin
(613) 966-1311 ext. 3203
Jan O'Neill Headshot
Jan O'Neill
(613) 472-2629
Loyde Blackburn Headshot
Loyde Blackburn
(613) 473-2677
Kim Carson Headshot
Kim Carson
(613) 474-2863
Councillor Fitzgerald Headshot
Tony Fitzgerald
(613) 338-2811
Dennis Purcell Headshot
Dennis Purcell
(613) 332-3638
Dan Johnston Headshot
Dan Johnston
(613) 396-2440
Tom Deline Headshot
Tom Deline
(613) 473-4030
Randy Wallace Headshot
Randy Wallace
(613) 332-1760
Paul Jenkins Headshot
Paul Jenkins
(613) 332-3331

Standing committees of council


Meeting dates change from time to time. For an accurate listing of upcoming meetings, please go to “Agendas and Minutes” page for all upcoming agendas and meeting dates.

Meets monthly on the third Tuesday, immediately following the Planning & Development Committee Meeting

Meets monthly on the third Tuesday at 9:30 am.

Meets monthly on the second Wednesday at 9:30 am.

Meets monthly on the second Wednesday at 10:30 am.

Meets monthly on the second Wednesday at 11:30 am.

Meets as required.

Meets as required.

Meets as required.

Meets as required.

Meets as required.

Warden Mullin Headshot

Bob Mullin

Warden of Hastings County & Mayor of Stirling-Rawdon

(613) 966-1311 ext. 3203
Paul Jenkins Headshot

Paul Jenkins

Deputy Warden & Mayor of Bancroft

(613) 332-3331